In this section, you can configure the main settings for the Subscription Suite's checkout module.
General Settings
- Allow Different Billing Contact: This activates the option for customers to add a separate billing address. The additional contact will be created as Bill To Contact in Zuora while the first contact will be stored as Sold To Contact.
- Shows Tax Information: Check, if tax information (amounts) should be displayed in the checkout.
- Shows Tax Percentage Information: In addition, the tax percentage used to calculate the tax amounts should also be displayed in the Checkout. This checkbox only works if the previous option is also enabled.
- Shows Main Prices Including Tax: Check if totals should include VAT or not. The case of totals not including VAT is shown above.
- Generate Invoice Immediately: Check, if invoices should be generated upon checkout. Otherwise invoices will only be created with the next Zuora Bill Run, for example daily. Typically this setting is activated in most self-serve settings.
- Invoice New Subscriptions Separately: Generally, multiple subscriptions will be invoiced together on the same billing document unless otherwise configured on the subscription. If subscriptions created through the Subscription Suite should always be invoiced separately, then check this checkbox. Activates the Zuora function Invoice The Subscription Separately. This feature needs to be activated in Zuora first.
- Process Payment Immediately: If Generate Invoice Immediately is active, this option processes payments directly after invoice generation. Otherwise payments will be processed with the next Zuora Payment Run, for example daily.
- Apply Credit Balance: If Process Payment Immediately AND Generate Invoice Immediately are active, this setting determines if a customer's credit balance should be applied to any invoice / payment generated during the checkout process. E.g. if a customer has a $5.00 credit balance and a check-out sum of $20.00, the payment collected would only be $15.00. See more on this feature in the Zuora Knowledge Center here.
- Show Voucher Field in case the Checkout is not Flow-specific: This is a global toggle for the voucher code input field in the checkout (NOT CART) for voucher campaigns that are not flow specific. See more on configuring voucher campaigns here.
- Checkout Type: Defines how your Checkout flow looks like and works:
- Separate Steps: Collect your end-customer's address information and payment details on two different pages, display the subscription overview for confirmation on a third page.
- Single Page: Get your end-customer's address information, payment details and subscription confirmation on a single page.
- Separate Confirmation: Collect your end-customer's address information and payment details on one page but display a final subscription overview and confirmation on a separate page where the user can confirm their purchase.
Click on Save to store your changes.
Authentication Settings
- Allow only guest checkout: End-customers are not forced to sign-in or sign-up when entering the checkout.
- Login required after product selection: End-customers first select which products to subscribe to before logging in.
- Login required before product selection: End-customers have to be logged in before entering the shop/product selection page.
Click on Save to store your changes.
Quote Authentication Settings
- Allow only guest checkout: End customers are not forced to sign-in or sign-up before seeing and being able to accept (or reject) a quote.
- Login required: Requires the customer to login before seeing and being able to accept (or reject) a quote.
Click on Save to store your changes.
reCAPTCHA Settings
reCAPTCHA is a free service provided by Google to tell Bots and Humans apart. You can find more details and set it up at Google reCAPTCHA. We use the "invisible" mode which displays a captcha only if the reCAPTCHA service is confident that a Bot is trying to trigger a subscription. The confidence level can be configured.
- reCAPTCHA enabled: Enable to secure the final subscription step with reCAPTCHA.
- reCAPTCHA Public Key: The Public Key you get when setting up reCAPTCHA in the Google reCAPTCHA Admin Console.
- reCAPTCHA Secret Key: The Secret Key you get when setting up reCAPTCHA in the Google reCAPTCHA Admin Console.
- reCAPTCHA Score: The confidence level threshold for displaying a captcha to your users. "1.0" is surely a human, "0.0" surely a Bot. So if the confidence level is below your configured reCAPTCHA Score, a captcha is displayed and needs to be solved by the end-customer. More details about interpreting the score.
Click on Save to store your changes.