The Suite product change group object represents the Subscription Suite object for a list of interchangeable products.
Therefore, it defines valid upgrade and downgrade paths which end-customers are allowed to "self-serve" in the customer center. A typical use case is upgrading from the bronze to the silver package or from the basic monthly to the premium monthly plan. You can also define if customers can ONLY upgrade or if they are also allowed to downgrade as well as define when the said change will be effective.
Change groups specify groups of Suite products which are interchangeable. The change group itself specifies further rules. For example, it's possible to restrict downgrades or to specify how same level suite product changes are handled (downgrade or upgrade). Each change group can contain Suite products.
In the customer center, the customer will see a "change plan" option on their subscription if a change group is configured and the upgrade / downgrade mode are correctly configured here on the product.
Additionally, you can define if changes are possible that allow to change the subscription type or term. E.g. if you allow the customer to change from a monthly (evergreen) subscription to an annual subscription.
Adding a Change Group
Supply a unique name in the Enter a name input field. Click on Add to add your Change Group to the Change Group list.
Removing a Change Group
In the row of the respective Change Group click on the Remove action. A message will ask for confirmation of the deletion.
Configuring a Change Group
Click into the row of the Change Group you wish to edit.
An internal name for your Change Group. Not visible to end-customers.
Same Priority is Upgrade
An internal description of your Change Group. Not visible to end-customers.
Subscribe Mode
- Global Default: Set according to global default value.
- Keep subscription if terms match: If the customer performs an upgrade with this setting, the existing subscription will be modified ONLY if the terms match (add / remove).
- Create new subscription: If the customer performs an upgrade with this setting, the existing subscription will be cancelled and a new one will be created.
- Keep subscription: If the customer performs an upgrade with this setting, the existing subscription will be modified regardless of whether the terms match or not.
- Existing subscription, new term: If the customer performs an upgrade with this setting, the existing subscription will be modified to reflect the term settings of the new product.
Change Mode
This setting defines e.g. if the change group is an upgrade only / downgrade only.
- Global Default: Set according to global default value.
- Only downgrade: With this setting enabled, the customer will only be permitted to change to a plan with a lower integer priority (see change group products below).
- Only upgrade: With this setting enabled, the customer will only be permitted to change to a plan with a higher integer priority (see change group products below).
- Downgrade and upgrade: With this setting enabled, the customer will be permitted to upgrade AND downgrade regardless of the priority.
Quantity Change Mode
This setting determines what happens with changes to quantity based rate plans. E.g. if a customer has 5 basic licenses and wants to upgrade to premium, should the quantity "5" be automatically persisted to the new rate plan.
- Global Default: Set according to global default value.
- Keep Same Quantity: With this setting enabled, the quantity will be automatically persisted to the replacement rate plan.
- Allow Quantity Change: With this setting enabled, the customer will be permitted to change the quantity during the change plan flow.
- Purchasable by Customer: deprecated
- Purchasable by Partner: deprecated
- Purchasable by Sales: deprecated
Click on Save to store your changes.
Change Group Products
Adding a Product to a Change Group
To add a product to a Change Group here it must already exist. Type the name of the product into the Search field. Once you see the product you're looking for, click on Add.
Ordering Products within a Change Group
To determine which products are offered to end-customers during a change plan flow, edit the values in the Priority column. The integer values determine whether the product is an "upgrade" or a "downgrade". For example if the Change Mode was set to "only upgrade", a customer with the Basic Monthly plan could upgrade to either the Premium Monthly OR the Premium Annual.
However, a customer with the Premium Monthly could ONLY upgrade to the Premium Annual plan as it has a HIGHER priority in the list. Thus, a customer with the Premium Annual plan would have NO change options in the customer center as they are already on the plan with the highest priority.
Removing a Product to a Change Group
In the row of the respective product click on the Remove action. The product will be removed without further interaction. The product itself stays unchanged.