In the Currencies table please configure:
- Decimal Separator: What to use as decimal separator for the specified currency? "." (5.99) or "," (5,99)?
- Thousands Separator: What to use as thousands separator for the specified currency? "," (1,000), "." (1.000), " " (1 000) or nothing (1000)?
- Rounding: Local tax authorities define how rounding should be done. As tax calculations usually result in values with more decimals than used in the respective currency system rounding rules need to be configured accordingly. Please configure according to customer-local tax legislation.
- Half up: 198.50 JPY is rounded to 199 JPY; 199,9850 EUR is rounded to 199,99 EUR. This should be the default for most currencies.
- Down: 198.99 JPY is rounded to 199 JPY; 199,9899 EUR is rounded to 199,98 EUR
- Up: 198.01 JPY is rounded to 199 JPY; 199,9810 EUR is rounded to 199,99 EUR
- Decimal Places: Configure how many decimal places should be displayed for currency values. Calculations will be done with higher precision.
- Increment: Define how number steppers (with "+" and "-" buttons) for currency values should increment (or decrement). This doesn't affect decimal places, a value of 5,99 EUR will increment to 6,99 EUR if an increment of "1,00" is defined.
- Default (checkbox): If a customer from a country using neither of the configured currencies subscribes to one of your rate plans the default currency is used.
- Active (checkbox): After configuring a currency set it to Active to make it usable by your customers. If you deactivate a currency it will not be offered for new subscriptions anymore. Existing subscriptions are not affected and will still be billed in the (now inactive) currency.
- Remove (action): Removes the respective currency without further warnings or questions. The removed currency will not be offered for new subscriptions anymore. Existing subscriptions are not affected and will still be billed in the (now inactive) currency.
Add currency
Select the currency's ISO 4217 Currency Code from the dropdown. Click on the Add button to add it to the Currencies table above. Configure the other currency settings as described above. When you're done don't forget to set the new currency to Active.