In this section, you can configure the credentials used for integrations with Zuora and Salesforce. Make sure you use dedicated API user profiles to avoid having to disconnect later.



Fill in the following data to connect your Subscription Suite environment to your Zuora account:

  • Username: Your Zuora username
  • Password: The Zuora password belonging to that username
  • Sandbox: Set this checkbox if you wish to connect your Subscription Suite environment to your Zuora sandbox environment.
  • EU: Set this checkbox if you need to use an EU instance of Zuora for compliance reasons (GDPR).
  • Multi-Entity: Allows you to have multiple instances of the Subscripiton Suite running on the same Zuora account.

When you're done click on Save to store the settings and initiate the connection to Zuora. If that's successful you'll see a notification and the Zuora section will look like this:





In the admin portal you can connect to several customer relation management tools to activate the subscription suite connectors. These will allow you to generate leads, accounts, contacts or opportunities during the checkout processes. Supported CRM systems are: Salesforce, MS Dynamics, Hubspot and Freshsales.

On request we can implement other frameworks as well.


Fill in the required data to connect your Subscription Suite environment to your Salesforce instance: Username, Password, Connected App Client ID and Connected App Secret.

  • Username: Username of the relevant Salesforce account (API user) 
  • Password: Password of the relevant Salesforce account (API user) 
  • Connected App Client ID: Consumer Key of the Connected App (Salesforce -> Setup -> App Manager -> Subscription Suite)
  • Connected App Secret: Consumer Secret of the Connected App (Salesforce -> Setup -> App Manager -> Subscription Suite)
  • Sandbox: Set this checkbox if you wish to connect your Subscription Suite environment to your Salesforce sandbox environment

When you're done click on Save to store the settings and initiate the connection to your Salesforce instance. You will receive a notification if successful. Note that on successful authentication call the host name of your Salesforce instance is automatically detected.