Flows are at the center of the end customer's e-commerce experience. They determine what the shop page looks like, what products are offered and the overall guided selling experience. This is an example buy flow for Bike Share:
A flow is the most basic form of a product offering to a customer. You might call it a buy-flow, landing page, customer on-boarding or even something else. You can configure unlimited flows!
A flow can be as simple as one product or be a complex guided selling with multiple steps in the purchase flow with base products and add-ons. Product selection flows define how customers can select their rate plans in order to subscribe. Each flow generates a corresponding shop page that acts as an entry point for the subscribe process.
You can decide if customers should be directed to a shopping cart after product selection or if the checkout process should be started immediately. The shopping cart allows the customer to review the product selection and to set quantities for charges that are based on a unit of measure.
Adding a Flow
Supply a unique name in the Enter a name input field. Click on Add to start defining the flow (see below).
Removing a Flow
In the row of the respective flow click on the Remove action. The flow will be removed without further warnings.
Editing a Flow
Click into the row of the flow you wish to edit.
Flow Settings
- Name: Your internal name for flow identification.
- Page ID: This is auto populated with a GUID but can be overwritten with a unique value of your choice that reflects the products in the flow. E.g. www.subscriptionsuite.com/shop/bikesharemembership
- Confirm Mode: Describes how the Shop page's main button (CTA) behaves:
- Subscribe: Creates a subscription for the selected product(s) and add-ons.
- Request Quote: Creates a quote for the selected product(s) and add-ons in the system defined in the CPQ settings
- Toggle Billing Period: If you want the customer to be able to choose the billing period and then filter the products displayed. How would you like to pay?
- Show Cart Icon: Determines if the cart icon with cart functionality should be displayed on the shop page. The number of selected products is displayed in the cart icon.
- Go to Cart after Selection:
- [unchecked]: When clicking the Shop page's main CTA, customers proceed to the Checkout page next.
- [checked]: When clicking the Shop page's main CTA, customers proceed to the Cart page next.
NOTE: Flows where the end-customer should choose a quantity should also use the cart.
- Allow Voucher: Determines if the Add optional voucher code fields are displayed in the Cart and on the checkout pages (mini cart).
NOTE: If you do not check this checkbox the flow can not be selected for specific vouchers.
- Skip Product Page and Put All Products into Cart: If your customers don't need to select between different products and/or add-ons you can skip the shop page and send them directly to the cart by setting this checkbox. All products configured in the flow steps will be automatically added to the cart.
- Flow Description: A description which will appear in the header of the shop page above the product selection steps.
- Custom Styles: In this field a styling configuration can be linked, which has been setup previously in the admin portal. This styling will be applied automatically for the shop and checkout if a user enters the subscription suite through the corresponding flow. Note that in the customer center the default style is shown. The Custom Styles feature can be activated on request.
Click on Save to store your changes.
Click on Go to Flow to open a new browser tab with the Subscription Suite shop page you just configured.
Product Selection Steps
Product Selection Steps are different horizontal sections on a shop page e.g. for separating base products and add-ons. They are displayed in the configured order.
Adding a Product Selection Step
Supply a unique name in the Enter a name input field. Click on Add to add your step to the list of product selection steps.
Removing a Product Selection Step
In the row of the respective product selection step click on the Remove action. The product selection step will be removed without further warnings.
Editing a Product Selection Step
Click into the row of the product selection step you wish to edit.
Step Settings
- Name: The headline of your product selection page section.
- Step Description: An explanatory text for your customers.
- Optional: Determines if at least one product has to be selected to proceed to the checkout. Base product selection steps should not be optional while add-on selection steps are usually optional.
- Unique Selection: Defines if it is possible to select several products in this product selection step or if customers can select only one product.
- Shows Billing Periods: Check if you wish billing periods for the products to be displayed.
- Show Feature List: Check if you wish to have feature lists for your products displayed. Usually they are displayed but skipped for simple add-ons.
- Shows Description: Check if product descriptions should be displayed. Might not be necessary for simple add-ons.
Click on Save to store your changes.
Suite Products
Define which Suite Products your customers can choose from in this product selection step. The setup of Suite Products is described in the Products section.
Adding a Suite Product
Type the name of a Suite Product into the Search field. Once you see the Suite Product you're looking for, click on Add. Suite Products are displayed in the order they are added (left to right). If you wish to change the order of Suite Products remove (see below) and re-add them.
Removing a Suite Product
In the row of the respective Suite Product click on the Remove action. The Suite Product will be removed from this product selection step without further warnings. The Suite Product itself stays unchanged.