One of the most commonly used marketing tools today is the promo code or voucher. Usually potential customers add the voucher code at some point during the check-out process to access a special discount rate plan.
The Subscription Suite's built-in Voucher Code Module lets you create 2 different kinds of voucher codes:
- Evergreen codes
- Single-use code groups
Evergreen codes are ones that you might print in a newspaper or magazine advertisement: "Sign up before January 31st and use the voucher WINTER10 to get 10% off your monthly premium membership!"
Single-use codes are usually user specific and can only be used once and are invalid once used to purchase a subscription. You may decide to send individualized single use voucher codes in an e-mail marketing campaign: "Your individual 10% discount code is aQ7zEk2!, use it before January 31st to get 10% off your monthly premium membership!"
To configure a voucher code campaign, navigate to the Voucher Code settings in the Subscription Suite's Admin Back-end.
In our example, BikeShop is running a month long "Winter Sale" to encourage new sign-ups in the cold month of January.
Now choose the start and end dates for your campaign and which rate plan should be applied when the voucher code is redeemed. BikeShop has a 10% rate plan set up in Zuora which is applied to the Premium Monthly Membership recurring fee.
We also have the option to restrict the campaign to a specific shop flow, in this case our default Flow. If your campaign is universal, then just leave the check-box blank.
Now you can decide which type of voucher code you want to configure: evergreen or single use groups.
The evergreen codes are simply whatever name you choose to give it, here "WINTER10".
If your business case calls for unique and single-use codes, switch to the "code groups" tab to configure them.
You can configure a code prefix and the length of the codes here.
You can chose how many codes you initially want to generate and download them!
Don't worry: if you want to add more codes later, just come back to his page and generate more codes and download them!
If you want to exclude certain words or characters from your voucher codes, you can do this in the "settings".