With product selection flows you define how customers can select their rate plans in order to subscribe. Each flow generates a corresponding shop page that will act as entry point for the subscribe process.
You can define if the customer should be directed to a shopping cart after product selection or the checkout process should be started immediately. The shopping cart allows to review the product selection and to set quantities for charges that are based on a unit of measure.
Create a new flow
Navigate to Shop / Flows, give your flow a name and press "Add"
Click on the just created flow to start configuring!
Show cart icon: Creates a shopping cart experience (add to cart / shopping cart icon in right top)
Go to cart after selection: First go to shopping cart to change quantities in case of non-flat fee pricing models.
The product selection can be split into multiple steps, so now the step names (these will appear in the shop to the customer):
For each step the following settings are available by clicking on the step once created.
- it can be optional or mandatory
- it can be defined if multiple rate plans can be selected within the step, or if the rate plan selection is unique
- should all charges be shown or just the aggregated pricing per billing period, i.e. what are one-time
- costs, what monthly costs
- should product or rate plan names be displayed, or both
- should features or a description be displayed to the customer
- should the billing periods be shown explicitly (for example, if your rate plans have just one charge
and the billing period is stated in the rate plan name, e.g. “monthly plan”, you can decide to not display the billing period again).
This example will behave as follows:
- Customer HAS to choose a rate plan from this step
- Customer can only choose ONE rate plan (unique selection)
- One-time and recurring charges are shown with their billing periods
- Product name is hidden, rate plan name is shown
- Features (NOT ZUORA PRODUCT FEATURES) are shown
- Description (from Zuora) is not shown
Done! Click on the "Launch Shop Page" to see your flow!
NOTE: It is best to preview in a private browser window!
NOTE: Make sure you have set up at least one langue and one currency!